Department Vision
Nurturing Future-Ready & Responsible Digital learners
Department Mission
Providing a Dynamic Learning Environment through Active Learning
We believe that ICT provides opportunities for active learning in the various subjects and development of 21st Century competencies whereby students engage in activities that promote analysis, synthesis, and evaluation of content in areas such as reading, writing, discussion, and problem-solving.
At the core of our ICT framework is realising our vision of nurturing future-ready and responsible digital learners. This vision is incorporated in our four areas: leadership and support, design & delivery, development & exploration and assessment & analysis.

ICT in Teaching and Learning is most effective in a closed-loop ecosystem where technology is leveraged at every level to enable continuous improvement in both instruction and student outcomes. We believe that the use of ICT will help bring about greater collaboration and self-directed learning. Hence, there is one-to-one computing at the Secondary One where every student is equipped with a chrome book.
The department will continue to explore and shares with staff and students the various Open Source software as well as educational apps based on their suitability to engage our students in their learning.